Ready to get started?

To take any of the domain assessments, simply click the button below. It should not take you any more than 10 minutes per domain. You can take each domain assessment as many times as you want. However, only ONE will be saved per day (i.e. if you take the emotional assessment 3-4 times today – only the last one will be saved).
To get a report with clearest reflection of your wellbeing, we recommend these tips:
- Complete a domain assessment when you can find 10 minutes without distraction. Go with your first hunch and strive not to over-analyze each question.
- Notice that most questions are stated in the positive, but some are stated in the negative. So read each question carefully.
- Be honest in your response, you are the only person who will see the results unless you choose to share them with someone.

View Past Assessments or Update Your Account
You can always view previous assessments or update your account by clicking on your name in the upper right corner (if you don’t see your name, simply LOG IN first).